Company News

Panasonic R&D Center Singapore’s Paper Accepted for Publication in an Upcoming Issue of the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (T-IV)

January 07, 2021 | Project

Teaming up with Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NUST), Panasonic R&D Center Singapore co-authored a journal paper titled “Vehicle Detection and Disparity Estimation using Blended Stereo Images” which has been accepted for publication in an upcoming issue of the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, an international journal focusing on innovative research and application challenges in areas of intelligent vehicles, in particular, in automated vehicles in a roadway environment. 

 In the article, Panasonic R&D Center Singapore as the lead author (first author) and NUST as the corresponding author present a novel method for simultaneous vehicle detection and disparity estimation from the single blended multiple-view input image using the newly designed proposal-clique network.  This novel method enables very competitive detection and disparity estimation accuracy to be obtained, even under circumstances where detection is performed on the blended image which is unfriendly to human vision.


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