Our People

Vengatesan Govindaraju (Venky)
Senior Staff Engineer
Venky has been working and having fun with robots ever since he started his undergraduate studies in 2007. Coming from a mechanical engineering background, he loves to get his hands dirty with building the physical robots, as much as he loves to code the algorithms. He is very glad to keep pursuing his passion towards robotics at Panasonic, where he is working on visually intelligent robots that uses low-cost cameras for mapping, localization and navigation. For example, he has utilized visual SLAM technology for autonomous navigation of buses, cars, wheelchairs, etc.
He really enjoys leading a team of enthusiastic engineers/interns to complete projects on schedule and to customer satisfaction. He gets to collaborate with other research institutes/agencies on ideas/softwares such as the Robotics Middleware Framework for integrating Panasonic’s robots with intelligent infrastructure. He hopes that the technologies he develops at Panasonic help to improve the lives of people and society.