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Panasonic R&D Center Singapore ranked in 3rd place in the NIST FRVT 1:1 Verification

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In the latest Performance Summary of the NIST* FRVT** 1:1 Verification [last updated: 24th January 2022], Panasonic R&D Center Singapore’s December 2021 submission (“psl-009”) was ranked in 3rd place in the Mugshot*** category, closing the gap with the 1st– and 2nd-ranked algorithms which were both submitted by another company, thus effectively making Panasonic R&D Center Singapore #2 company for the category on the leaderboard at this point in time.  The ongoing competition is the gold standard of facial recognition benchmarks in the world, having attracted a total of 702 algorithms and 255 unique developers since year 2017.  Panasonic R&D Center Singapore will strive to keep improving our rankings in future submissions for not only in this category, but also in others, to promote Panasonic’s standing on the global stage. 

* NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) is an agency of the United States Department of Commerce.

** FRVT (Face Recognition Vendor Test) is an ongoing competition organized independently by NIST which invites vendors from all over the world to submit facial recognition algorithms.

*** Mugshot category focuses on facial images which are captured in constrained and cooperative mode, and labelled as being of type “mugshot”.


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